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Eternal Thirst : Live eminent human life.

There is a special variety of deer called "Musk deer". A heavenly fragrance emanates from its body, but not knowing its source, the deer vainly searches here and there to discover where the wet scent is coming from. Similarly we are all searching for the life looking out into the external world through our extroverted senses, forgetting to search within where life begins.

We have forgotten. We have become oblivious to the obvious. And it always happens -- that which is obvious, we tend to forget. Even life is through the breathe then also how many times a day people breathe knowingly? Many of us forgotten When the life is there, then the death is too it is obvious yet forgotten. When a person is healthy he tends to forget health. When he becomes ill, then he remembers. When you don't have a headache you don't remember at all that you have a head. The human mind remembers only something which is missed. Life is never missed, it’s with in you. Just remembrance is needed -- nothing else. And the goal is not very far away -- it is very close by. We have only to remember that we belong to god. And every human being is a story yet not unfolded. It is as if everyone is just a seed waiting for the right season to sprout. This divine story has to be completed, and one can complete it only if one very consciously takes one's life in one's own hands.

Just remembrance -- it is not a question of doing anything else.

Man has become a machine because man is not a machine, because it is not obvious. A machine cannot become a man because a machine cannot become anything; it is simply a machine. A man can become a machine, can become a man, and can become a god! It depends: whatsoever you choose, you become. So take the challenge!

Ordinarily people exist accidentally... just like driftwood, not knowing where they are going. They take life almost in sleep, not alert... doing something as if not meaning it... doing something because this is the thing to be done... doing something because everybody is doing it. Ordinarily people don't have any idea about what they are doing with their life. It is a mess -- they go in all the directions simultaneously. And the ultimate result is not a beautiful story completed, but madness. Will it be easy to pronounce? -- 'Eminent Life'. A few people miss even if they are living well. They simply become imitative -- then they miss.

Man tries to satisfy this life with money, power, prestige, luxury and other materialistic things. When the mind is a little more intelligent it is never satisfied because it can always imagine better situations; that is the problem. If you have one thousand dollar and you are stupid you can be satisfied! But how can an intelligent man be satisfied? He thinks of two thousand, three thousand, five thousand; whatsoever he has he can always imagine more. You can conquer the whole world and you will remain miserable; of course your misery will become a thousand-fold -- the misery of an Alexander is bound to be tremendous... but you never become happy. That is not the way of happiness at all.

You can have all the things and still you will be at a loss. One can pile up money, power, and prestige or other materialistic things. Money can’t buy anyone inner happiness. No one can get immune health while living luxury. Materialistic power is only a tiny in front of awakens human energy. Similarly prestige of a human is an advance form of his ego quotient. Both can not be separated and represents the past. Past is dead; dead has no worth. Every thing is there but no matter.

And the more you have, the more you become aware of the futility of it all and the more you feel an inner emptiness. The more you have, the more you become aware of how much you are missing your natural life.

If you go deeply into this, by and by you will start feeling that in life there is no possibility of any satisfaction. And if this materialistic priority can satisfies the human life then what are the natural pleasures of human life? Then you have stumbled upon the first basic truth -- that life is meaningless. Then one can turn within-wards; then there is no need to go outside, because outside there is no meaning possible. The life that is available through the senses is meaningless but that is not the only life: there is one more life, far greater, far more glorious, and that is the life of an inward consciousness.

All pleasures experienced through the physical body and mind reach a peak and then decline. But transcendental pleasures are ever-increasing. In order to experience transcendental pleasures, we must look beyond the physical body and mind. It is an imagination that anyone is not adequate: everyone is perfectly adequate. This wrong notion just has to be dropped and the capacity to grow will be tremendous. You are burdened by your own concept; otherwise everybody is perfectly free. Start living a very natural life. Not in many ways enforcing anything upon you.... And much is going to happen!

We are carrying infinite potentiality -- and completely unaware... living like beggars when we can live like emperors. Nobody is hindering us except our own fallacious ideas and old habits; ideas and habits have a great pull. And these ideas and habits changes through inward consciousness. Life is a great adventure, and every step has to be taken in tremendous awareness. You have the possibility for great awareness.

This bliss is that which comes through the inward journey -- and that is called an eminent human life. One has to come to one's own self, to one's own treasures. They are infinite... immeasurable. Once known, you are never a beggar again. You may not have anything of the world -- still you remain an emperor. Your emperorhood has an inner luminousness. You are emperor -- not because you have a kingdom, but because you are an emperor. Your emperorhood doesn't depend on a kingdom. It is independent of all kingdoms. Then one is truly a king, because nobody can rob one, nobody can take anything away from one... not even death. One has something which is eternal, which cannot be robbed, cannot be taken away. And only when you have something which cannot be taken away from you does fear disappear -- never before it. And in those moments you start feeling the deathless.

Once you decide, immediately that thing starts happening, because the inner power of man is infinite. Howsoever we seem on the surface, we are not limited. The deepest source of your being is unlimited, infinite. So once you start thinking in terms of your being divine, you start becoming divine; nothing else is needed. You just have to create a thought-climate about yourself. Now through here this whole capacity will start moving into a new direction -- the direction of self creation.

So let this be a key -- which you have to look more and more inwards. Temptations are there, desires are there -- natural. And do not become an escapist. I'm not saying to escape from the world. I'm simply saying to be in the world but to give more and more energy and time to the inner search.

Up to now you have been doing something outside yourself. Now you will be doing something inside yourself. Continue whatsoever you are doing outside. The inner is not against the outer -- the inner is beyond the outer. It can play with the outer -- there is no harm in it. In fact it is good. Just like day-night. One goes on playing with the outer and then one goes on moving into the inner -- it is a good change.

Do whatsoever is needed on the outside, but don't become too much occupied with it. Things are needed: food is needed, a shelter is needed -- absolutely okay, so one should work for them. They are necessities, they are needed to be happy, but they are not enough. They are basic requirements. A hungry person cannot sing. Food is needed, but food in itself cannot become a song. Just because you have eaten and your belly is full, there is no guarantee that a song is going to be born. You may fall asleep at the most -- and you will have nightmares.
Outer things are needed, but they are not enough. Fulfill them, but don't expect too much out of them. They are needs, and the inner life is something more than needs -- it is a luxury. The inner life is always aristocratic. Yes, it is aristocracy.

So outside just fulfill your needs -- and they are the minimum; they are not much. And once they are fulfilled, don't waste your time. In fact they are to be fulfilled so that you can have time to go in. One should work in the world so that one can work in one's inner world. One should earn a little money so that outer things no more trouble one, no more distract one. One can close one's eyes and go into meditation. If money serves meditation, money is good and one should use it. But if money becomes your meditation, you are going to be neurotic.
The feeling is meaningful. Once you feel something inside, not only the mind changes, but the body has a different vibe. One is more flowing, more relaxed, more at home. One feels blessed. Life doesn't look like a problem... it looks more like a play, a mystery play.

Let it be there. By and by you will start enjoying the changes so much that you will be ready at any cost. Change will give you vitality... more aliveness, zest, energy. Then you will not be like a pond -- closed from everywhere, not moving. You will become like a river flowing towards the unknown, and towards the ocean where the river becomes lost.
The journey is inner. Everything remains the same, and yet not the same. So you feel both together -- that the journey is going very fast, and yet you are standing on the same place. That paradox is very significant. Don't be worried about it... it happens to everybody who starts changing inwardly. Because the trees are the same, the houses are the same, the people are the same... the world is the same. And yet something has changed which is very elusive, and you cannot put your finger on it. You cannot say exactly what has changed. If somebody insists on knowing what has changed in you, you will not be able to say. One is really on the same place -- because the change is not outside you... it is inside.
The change is in the layers of consciousness.... It is as if you have been to the mountains. The path moves round and round and round, and after walking for miles, again you come to the same spot where you had been a few hours before -- just a little below. Everything is the same -- the same scenery, the same trees, the same rocks -- and you have walked so much.

Many things of the unconscious can be revealed in these ways. Everything that you will come to know is within you. But we don't know many parts of our being... we live only in the porch. A big palace -- but the palace remains completely closed, because we never enter it. These are all the ways to enter into the many rooms of your being. These are unconscious doors -- use them.
The journey is inner... and as when moving towards a mountain peak one ultimately arrives at the peak, one suddenly comes to know that one is standing in the marketplace. Nothing has changed -- and everything has changed.

Strange things happen. Life is stranger than any fiction... and more fictitious also. If one goes on believing and trusting, one comes to encounter miracles every moment. Just because we have lost the capacity to trust, much of the miraculous has disappeared from the world.

May God Bless You.